Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Henan Province

I traveled through the Henan province last week, largely guided by a group of very sweet Henan university students. Henan is usually not high on tourists' (Chinese and foreigner) list. Every time I told a Chinese friend I went to Henan, they automatically said, "Ooooo, I really like Hunan!"

Henan must be the sad little brother of Hunan, always with a mistaken identity, and met with a disappointed, "Oh. Henan."

For this very fact, Henan was a great trip. There were hardly any foreigners and traveling to the week lightened the load of Chinese tourist buses left and right.

We first went to Zhengzhou, capital of Henan, via a sleeper train from Beijing. This city is dense, one of the most populous cities in China. Zhengzhou served as an effective headquarters, full and full of people.

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